A list of items is given to each team, points are given on the
basis of the number of items collected by the team within time
limit at the end of the round. The event consists of 2- 3
rounds. The team with maximum points is the winner.
Rules and regulations
1. Each team can consists of maximum 5 members.
2. The event consists of 2- 3 round.
3. Team with maximum
points wins.
Date: 20th March
Venue: OAT
Time: 10:00AM to 1:00PM
A list of task is given to each team, points are given to the
team on the basis of the number of tasks performed within the
time limit. The team with maximum points is the winner.
Rules and Regulations
1. Each team can consists of maximum 4 members.
2.Team with maximum points win.
Date: 22nd March
Venue: SAC
Time: 10:00AM to 1:00PM
Date: 21st March
Venue: SAC
Time: 2:30PM to 4:30PM